How to Help Animal Shelters? Streamers Support Dogs and Cats
111 streamers participated
1.13M display views generated
143 kilograms of food from donations
Let’s Help Animal Shelters
The Sarigato Foundation created the “Karmimy psiaki” (eng. Feed the Dogs) initiative to help animals living in shelters, which unfortunately is increasing in Poland. Animals don’t have their own voice. As a result, without the help of people who will reach out and help, there isn’t much they can do – they are very much dependent on us.
If you ever wondered how or when to help animal shelters, the worst time for homeless animals is the winter, when they mercilessly freeze and starve in anticipation of being taken in by people who will look after them.
And although there are foundations like Sarigato that constantly try to support animals, without the initiative of others, it is difficult to help all of them.
Engaging Streamers
Wanting to help, we decided to involve streamers who have a huge impact on their viewers. Players have their own worldview, they are people willing to help, sometimes they just need a gentle push, showing them the direction.
inStreamly allows you to place content directly in the streamer’s live broadcast. Knowing that gamers are a group that appreciates when a person or brand from the outside understands them and shows interest in their world, we created a campaign that used a well-known concept.
The Idea of the Campaign Was Simple – Give a Donation to a Homeless Animal
In campaigns targeted at gamers, it is not always necessary to use complex mechanisms and messages. Sometimes it is enough to have the right goal and a good slogan that speaks to them. And that’s how it was with this campaign.
We used the “donation” formula, which is popular in this community, which consists of streamers receiving donations from viewers.
Here, however, instead of the player, stream viewers gave donations to homeless cats and dogs. The Sarigato Foundation has created a landing page dedicated to this initiative.
Also, the streamers themselves were enthusiastically involved in this campaign. The campaign was supported by many streamers, including the better-known ones, such as Kubon, Pago and Taiovsky.
In collaboration with Sarigato, we created animations that were intended to convey the aim of the initiative to the viewers and encourage them to help animals living in shelters. So the artwork depicted a dog or a cat, which, speaking the players’ language, conveyed their needs to the viewers. This gave them a voice, and the viewers finally could understand and help them.
Start Your Own Campaign!
Are you thinking of running a social or marketing campaign? We are happy to help!
The results of the campaign were incredible! Over 100 streamers were involved, and because of this we were able to collect funds to purchase 143 kilograms of food for animals living in shelters!
This initiative showed a real unification of the gaming community to help beings who cannot take care of themselves in this world. Thanks to inStreamly and Sarigato, the animals finally gained a voice. And thanks to the players this winter was significantly easier for them.
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