How Creative Brands Are Using Live Streaming Videos Successfully
There were many changes in the world recently and we must learn how to adapt to those changes. Creative brands need to come up with solutions on how to keep their audiences engaged, especially if their products or services are not as high in demand as they were before. Live video marketing is one of the things worth doing – now and in the near future. In this article, we will show you why and how to do it!
Internet Usage Is Constantly Changing
There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic shattered our reality. People locked at home started using the Internet more and in a different way – seeking connection and experiences, which were available mainly offline. Businesses can use it to their advantage and build relationships between creative brands and customers. It is a lot easier to do so nowadays, as our society becomes more digital and technology is more accessible.
Video Is the King
There are many tools a business can use to show a personal touch as a brand, but when it comes to statistics, one of them stands out – video. People enjoy video content and the demand for it is increasing. It is great for advertising, as many marketers are happy with the results of the campaigns. Those findings are about video in general. Still, it is worth remembering that a brand can produce a nice, polished and well-prepared (when it comes to script, studio and post-production) film or ditch all that and improvise during a live stream. While we already know that video is the king, why should creative brands use live streaming?
The Why Behind Stream Marketing
Kathy Klotz-Guest from Convince and Convert points out, that live streaming helps businesses connect with customers, as it is easier to build relationships without the corporate veil. It is worth mentioning that live streaming marketing enables conversation and shows the people behind the brand, also at moments when they make mistakes – and we, as humans, can totally relate to that. We should not forget about the numbers as well: live-streaming platforms are becoming more popular and people are spending a lot of time using them. If you want to see, how much,
How Creative Brands Can Use Live Streaming?
1. Use Different Channels.
Facebook, YouTube, Twitch… Your target audience may be spending time on one (or many) of them. You can choose, of course, as there is a big chance that you will find people eager to see some streaming. You can be one of the Facebook live brands, but if you don’t know, whether this or any other channel would be best for your brand, then remember that you can always partner up with many streamers who are using different platforms already. Yes, that is where inStreamly comes in handy, especially with streamers on Twitch, which is not as business streaming friendly as other social media.
2. Become Influencer-Friendly.
Influencers know how to engage with their audience, what their followers want and how to give it to them. When a business teams up with an influencer, viewers don’t see only the brand, they see a person who decides to represent the brand. Now think about an influencer who chooses live streaming as a marketing tool for your product or service… The audience is already interested in this influencer’s content, yet they prefer video above all else (as we already established before). Creative brands should not miss such an opportunity for engaging potential customers.
3. Educate Your Audience.
People love to learn – it is not a surprise that a Clifton Strength called “Learner” is the second most popular one. Your brand can host an educational event, targeting a wide audience, although such events take a lot of time (and money) to prepare. Remember, you can always turn to streamers and ask them to educate their audience. They will gather viewers who want to learn and streaming is a good way to teach like any other. Or even better, as students can ask questions during live streaming sessions!
4. Organise a Competition.
Brands should use live streaming contests as a way to engage their audience. Because who doesn’t like to watch a good game? Here is an idea for pumping up marketing for your brand: ask two streamers to compete against each other (for example in a video game). We bet that this would attract their audiences even more than usual. Also, this kind of streaming advertising should create buzz during as well as after the event.
Still Not Convinced? See for Yourself How These Creative Brands Grow With Live Streaming
In the world of games, no player will survive in the game for too long unless they purchase the items they need. We took this element as a connection to Blik, which provides us with secure, fast, and simple payment in a game called life. The artworks have been visually adapted to three specific games (League of Legends, Valorant, and Fortnite), making them look like their native part, therefore being an engaging campaign for stream viewers. Check Blik’s case study.
The Old Guard is a movie in which teamwork is one of the main themes. It is also the case in games where each team member has an important role. We have created 2 artworks for this campaign. First presenting the movie’s characters as team players and second showcasing different weapons from the movie. This is the first inStreamly campaign to be broadcasted in Germany. We also used a mechanism that allows us to pull nicknames from a live chat and automatically put them on the artwork. This way we could engage stream viewers and create a buzz around the movie’s premiere.
Reaction videos are one of the most popular formats right now. So our plan was for streamers to create dedicated live broadcasts where they react to the challenge made by YouTubers, show Adidas ZX 2K Boost shoes, and have some fun with their viewers playing Fortnite. In addition, during the streams our artworks appeared, encouraging viewers to check the challenge videos. This way we created a two-level campaign that was memorable to stream viewers. Check adidas’ case study here.
Gamers are a group of people that are really sensitive to the way you communicate with them. Therefore it is very important to use their lingo. So we created a campaign in which artworks automatically reacted to what people were writing in the live chat. As soon as the viewer used a certain phrase or a word in chat, a matching artwork popped up on the screen. It showed, that Lenovo actively reacts to what viewers say and engages with them in real-time. Check Lenovo’s case study.
Trust and Let Go – The Key of Business Streaming
These are just a few suggestions, but we are sure that creative brands can come up with many more ideas to use live stream for their business growth. Just remember – it is harder to connect with your customers while you are only a brand without people representing it. You can always produce a nice video and there will be no flaws. But the true magic happens when you let go and trust others to create relationships for your brand. Experimenting is the key to success and every stream is a small experiment – live!
Start a Creative Campaign With Streamers!
Do you want to run a cool and successful campaign with streamers? Contact us now!