Read This Before You Start Working With Gamers And Streamers
A mini-guide on how to create effective and engaging campaigns while working with gamers and streamers for generation z.
Live streaming is rapidly growing and is giving marketers huge scope to show off. Despite this, many brands are afraid to enter the world of streaming.
Why Hasn’t Your Brand Tapped Into Live Streaming Yet?
“My brand does not belong to this world”
There are many beliefs and misconceptions about this subject, and each of them is rooted in the fear of change that is currently present in the world. Change isn’t always welcome, some people are afraid of it. This means that instead of looking for new and interesting solutions to reach customers, we stop at what seems to us a safe haven. And your brand can enter the world of gamers in one of the most natural ways – by supporting streamers with commercial partnerships.
Don’t believe us? Then check 5 non-gaming brands you wouldn’t believe went into games.
“This is the wrong target group for my brand”
Since we have mentioned recipients, this is another thing that often stops us from looking for new advertising opportunities. Lack of understanding of the people we reach with our message. It seems to us that gamers do not belong to it, that this group is too young, does not have its own resources, has no higher education or that it is simply too narrow. And that’s not true. All ages play games, regardless of gender, and literally anywhere in the world, so that’s where your target audience is!
Why Should You Get Interested in Working with Gamers?
These beliefs were valid… 5 years ago! Since then, the world has changed, and gaming has become one of the most popular pastimes and one of the highest paying industries. The players themselves are one of the broadest and most diverse target groups imaginable. Often they are people who earn well and have university degrees. But there is one feature that strongly distinguishes them from the rest – we will not reach them by standard means of communication.
Fortune favours the brave
Gaming is a huge market, bringing together people of all ages. Streaming has gained enormous popularity, yet it has not been exploited by brands as much as working with YouTubers, bloggers or Instagrammers. It worth it to make sure that your brand appears on a stream, treating this channel as a natural extension of existing activities. Why?
Live streaming platforms are more engaging
During the broadcast, the streamer interacts with the viewers in real-time, answers their questions, talks to them, creates a special kind of bond – a community. This provides incredible opportunities to engage viewers by the brand that the streamer works with.
Gamers do not watch TV and use adblock
Young people are watching significantly less TV. Gamers watch it the least or not at all! While spending time on the internet, they use adblock. They are extremely inaccessible, but still are a very interesting group of recipients!
So how to reach them?
Despite the fact that television is always a tempting opportunity for marketers, streaming platforms are definitely the place to look for working with gamers. In addition to the very fact that our audience is there, it is also a measurable and effective way to reach them.
How to Create Effective and Engaging Campaigns for Gamers?
Do you want to learn how to create effective campaigns? Read on!
Get to know your audience
It would seem obvious, but we often tend to forget about it. We think that we know our target group, that we know everything about them, but we do not really go too deep into it or take into account many variables that affect the fact that our recipients evolve and adapt to reality. Who they are? How do they spend their time? What media do they use? How do they feel about the ads displayed to them?
Show that you understand them
To be credible to the player, you must enter their world, understand them and adapt the message accordingly. Speak their language, use elements and themes from the games they play. In this way, you will gain their respect by showing them that you care, and you want to participate in their reality.
Let them have fun
Rewards in the gaming world are daily bread. That’s why gamers play – to level up, get better ranks, win duels with opponents. There are endless ways to reward in games. Use it in your brand communication, give the player a discount on your product, for example in exchange for a task.
Start Your Own Campaign!
Reach Gen Z audiences through the most authentic medium – streaming and gaming influencers.
Use of unusual communication tools
Look for various possibilities and technological solutions that will allow you to reach this recipient most effectively. You can personalise messages or use interactive mechanisms. Working with streamers allows you to enter the world of their audience, and by using inStreamly you can work with hundreds of streamers simultaneously by displaying your content in their stream.
What will you gain from using these tips?
Respect from your audience! By entering their world and really understanding them, you will win them over. If you support their favorite streamer, they click on your ad because they know the streamer makes money this way.
You Don’t Know How to Do It?
If you still do not know where to start, use the help of specialists 😉 We know that working with gamers may be hard at first.
At inStreamly, we live and breathe gaming, and we are always happy to assist you in tailoring communication for your brand.
- We will create unique artwork for you. We will prepare a creative concept that will be in tune with the world of streamers, and based on this, an artwork to go with your campaign.
- 100% viewability. Our technology is resistant to adblock, because the displays we create are implemented natively in streamer’s content. In addition, they are animations that attract the eye of viewers.
Interested? Check how we connect global brands with streamers and start your first campaign with inStreamly.