Floating blob

Streaming tips

Ile zarabiają mali streamerzy na Twitchu?

Zarobki na Twitch to złożona sprawa. Zależą między innymi od rozmiaru widowni czy liczby współprac. A ile zarabiają mali streamerzy?

Streaming tips
Jak zarabiać na streamowaniu? Przewodnik po inStreamly dla streamerów

Jak zarabiać na streamowaniu? Przewodnik po inStreamly dla streamerów

inStreamly pozwala zarabiać pieniądze na streamach. W przeciwieństwie do większości umów sponsorskich nie ma minimalnej liczby widzów lub subskrybentów, których potrzebujesz, by zacząć!

Streaming tips
Poradnik: Jak uruchomić pierwszy stream na Twitchu?

Poradnik: Jak uruchomić pierwszy stream na Twitchu?

Zacznij swój pierwszy stream na Twitchu. W naszym poradniku znajdziesz wszystkie informacje, jak to zrobić krok po korku!

Community growth
Step-by-step guide to multistreaming for free in 2024

Step-by-step guide to multistreaming for free in 2024

Ever wondered if multistreaming is legal in 2024, how to do it for free, and if it’s worth it, we’ve got your back!

Streaming tips
Which Live Streaming Platform Pays The Most? [2024]

Which Live Streaming Platform Pays The Most? [2024]

Many streaming platforms exist on the market, each offering different features, subscription revenue, or features. So how can we know which platform is the best streaming platform to earn money? We’ve analysed five game streaming platforms to help you make the best choice possible. Let’s dive into the subject!

Channel improvements
How to Avoid Getting Banned on Twitch

How to Avoid Getting Banned on Twitch

There are many reasons behind each ban or suspension, often leaving you wondering why it happened. So how can you avoid getting banned on Twitch? What behaviours should you avoid? Let’s find out!

Channel improvements
10 Best and Worst Twitch Practices in 2022

10 Best and Worst Twitch Practices in 2022

Streaming on Twitch is growing in popularity. People have various motivations, from hanging out with friends and overcoming fears to the hope of becoming professionals. However, there is one thing connecting all creators – they want to have fun and grow their channels. Today, we’ll look at the five best and worst practices on Twitch.

Community growth
Twitch Slang You Need To Know In 2024

Twitch Slang You Need To Know In 2024

The key to understanding other viewers is the knowledge of slang words they use to express their emotions on the chat. But fear not! To help you, we’ve prepared a complete dictionary of the Twitch slang you need to know in 2024!

Channel improvements
What You Need to Become an Awesome Vtuber

What You Need to Become an Awesome Vtuber

Vstreaming has become very popular among online creators. Many find being anonymous much easier and create their own “model” (a virtual avatar) to stream or record videos without showing their face. Read on to discover how to become one of the most awesome virtual YouTubers online!

Community growth
Best Indie Games You Need to Stream on Twitch 2022

Best Indie Games You Need to Stream on Twitch 2022

Gamers love independent creators. Ultimately, it’s because we also consider ourselves as such, and it feels good when our work is appreciated. Besides, indie games are an excellent way to gain new followers on Twitch. Top streamed games are just too popular. So what are the best indie games you could stream on Twitch in 2022? Let’s see!

Channel improvements
Top 8 Worst Mistakes Small Streamers Better Stop Making

Top 8 Worst Mistakes Small Streamers Better Stop Making

Twitch streamers vary. Some like to use a streaming schedule, while others stream when they feel like it. Ultimately, you just want to play video games and have fun. However, the Internet doesn’t forgive. Find out the top 8 worst mistakes small streamers should never make!

Channel improvements
How to Set Up and Get Donations on Twitch?

How to Set Up and Get Donations on Twitch?

Some people just watch streams or stream to have fun; however, others consider streaming their dream job. The potential of Twitch is enormous, and becoming one of the top-tier streamers can be a challenging job. Fortunately, even smaller streamers can earn decent money every month and earn a living just by streaming games.

Channel improvements
How to Attract and Get More Viewers on Twitch

How to Attract and Get More Viewers on Twitch

One of the main challenges on Twitch is growing your audience. The competition is fierce so getting your audience to grow organically is challenging. Instead, you should be aware of how to build your community consciously. We’re here to show you how!

Channel improvements
How Much Do Small Twitch Streamers Make?

How Much Do Small Twitch Streamers Make?

When making money on your hobby, you have to be prepared that you’ll have to work on your income single-handedly. Every Twitch streamer starts small and you have to climb your way to the top. So how do you know what you will need in the beginning? 

Channel improvements
Make Your Streaming Better – Tips for Beginners and More

Make Your Streaming Better – Tips for Beginners and More

Are you thinking about starting your streaming career? Then, you chose the best time possible! Check out the best live streaming tips and tricks and make your better!

Channel improvements
Is It Better to Stream on Twitch or YouTube?

Is It Better to Stream on Twitch or YouTube?

Twitch or YouTube – which platform is better? We can tell you right now that there is no definitive answer to this question as both platforms have their advantages. This article will help you in choosing which one is better for you. 

Community growth
Who Is the TOP 2021 Twitch Streamer?

Who Is the TOP 2021 Twitch Streamer?

In 2021 streaming platforms are growing rapidly, and new streamers are joining every day. What kind of gamers and streamers would we be if we didn’t follow the news? Today, we want to share our insights on the Top 2021 Twitch streamers!

Channel improvements
Best Ways to Promote Your Stream on Twitch

Best Ways to Promote Your Stream on Twitch

Twitch channel promotion can be difficult. But don’t worry, we have some tips on how to grow your channel in a balanced and effective way without falling into an over-promotional trap. Check out this article and now and level up your streaming game!

Channel improvements
Live Streaming Equipment for Gaming: How to Set Up in 2021

Live Streaming Equipment for Gaming: How to Set Up in 2021

If you want to start your streaming adventure, you will need essential streaming equipment. Professional-looking equipment and background will surely help you stand out from the crowd. Check out what we have picked for you!

Community growth
How to Get Sponsors as Streamers? Twitch Sponsorship Insights

How to Get Sponsors as Streamers? Twitch Sponsorship Insights

Twitch is the most popular streaming platform. However, there is one, very common problem that almost every streamer has troubles with – how to earn money streaming? Check out how you can do it!

Channel improvements
Stream On: Best Streaming Platforms, Stats and Other Technicalities

Stream On: Best Streaming Platforms, Stats and Other Technicalities

Need some help with starting your streaming career? No worries! We asked professional streamers for advice so you don’t have to. Check it out and Stream on!

Streaming tips
10 Twitch Stats That You Should Care About As a Streamer

10 Twitch Stats That You Should Care About As a Streamer

Squad streaming is a great way to engage your Twitch viewers even more and to have a better time playing together with your friends. So, how to squad stream on Twitch? It’s simpler than you may think!

Streaming tips
How to Squad Stream on Twitch? A Guide to Your Team’s Triumph

How to Squad Stream on Twitch? A Guide to Your Team’s Triumph

Squad streaming is a great way to engage your Twitch viewers even more and to have a better time playing together with your friends. So, how to squad stream on Twitch? It’s simpler than you may think!

Channel improvements
Stream On: How to Start Your Streaming Career

Stream On: How to Start Your Streaming Career

Are you looking forward to starting your streaming career but you don’t know how and what you should look for? No problem! We asked veterans for their top tips for beginner streamers!

Streaming tips
How to Make Money Playing Video Games and Streaming

How to Make Money Playing Video Games and Streaming

If playing games is your passion, you probably want to spend as much time as possible doing it. However, it can be hard to do while spending dozens of hours at work each week. So, how to make money playing video games or streaming games, so it can become your full-time job? What are the best ways to get paid for gaming? There are many more of them than you might think!

Streaming tips
From Just Chatting to Music, Live Streaming Is Not Just for Gamers

From Just Chatting to Music, Live Streaming Is Not Just for Gamers

There’s a wealth of different live streaming categories to choose from, like Just Chatting and Sports, and they are picking up steam recently.  If you think live streaming is just for gamers, prepare to have your mind blown!

Streaming tips
Twitch vs YouTube vs Facebook Gaming. Which is best for Game Streaming?

Twitch vs YouTube vs Facebook Gaming. Which is best for Game Streaming?

Choosing the right live streaming platform can make or break a streamer’s career. The main rivals in the market right now are Twitch vs YouTube vs Facebook Gaming – they differ in crucial ways, such as monetisation, ease of use, and audience size. Check out our breakdown of their pros and cons to learn which one is the best for you!

Streaming tips
Fun Things to Do on a Stream. Content Ideas Generator for Streamers

Fun Things to Do on a Stream. Content Ideas Generator for Streamers

Many content creators choose to do different things on live stream. However, it’s not easy to come up with new and fun things to do on live stream. Don’t worry though, our content ideas generator comes to the rescue!

Community growth
How to Stream to Multiple Platforms? Learn to “Restream”

How to Stream to Multiple Platforms? Learn to “Restream”

Every streamer, no matter how popular, should learn to “restream”, i.e., to stream to multiple platforms at the same time. Check out our practical guide to restreaming and grow your audience today!

Community growth
How and Where to Promote Your Twitch Stream Without Social Media?

How and Where to Promote Your Twitch Stream Without Social Media?

Twitch has horrible discoverability. So, many streamers have turned into extensive use of social media to promote their Twitch streams. However, not everyone has the time to do that. So let’s take a look at what tools and possibilities you can use if social media just isn’t your thing.

Streaming tips
How to Vstream and Become a Vtuber

How to Vstream and Become a Vtuber

Ever thought to yourself how fun it would be to stream as someone else, maybe as a character from manga you are in love with, maybe as a pirate, an animal, an alien, a cat or maybe you simply don’t feel like putting on any makeup or a t-shirt? If the answer is ‘Yes!’ then consider starting a virtual stream (vstream) and become a virtual streamer (aka vstreamer or vtuber).

Streaming tips
How to Set up Donations on Twitch?

How to Set up Donations on Twitch?

Donations are one of the main sources of income for streamers. Viewers can use them to show gratitude and appreciation for their favourite content creators’ hard work. Learning how to set up donations on Twitch is a bit more demanding, and it’s an important topic for streamers who are just starting out. So, check out our guide and start earning!

Streaming tips
5 Steps to Launch Your First Twitch Stream

5 Steps to Launch Your First Twitch Stream

In this guide, we will walk you through the basics of setup one step at a time. We will use Twitch at the example, as it is the biggest platform for streamers at this time. While some steps might differ for YouTube or Facebook gaming, overall direction stays the same for all platforms. So, without further ado, let’s launch your first Twitch stream.

Streaming tips
How to Become a Streamer? A Beginner’s Guide

How to Become a Streamer? A Beginner’s Guide

Imagine you’re with your friends and the discussion turns to games. You are trying your best to describe that game you were playing last night, but you can’t quite do it with words alone. You wish you could show them the game, you wish they would have seen you blast that demon boss back to the depths of hell. Then all of you would cheer and rejoice and really FEEL the ingenuity of this game!

Streaming tips
Playing Music on Twitch Streaming Without Infringing Copyright

Playing Music on Twitch Streaming Without Infringing Copyright

Imagine hundreds of viewers engaged in watching your epic battle unfold when suddenly the lights go out and your stream is interrupted. Your viewers anxiously refresh the page only to be greeted with a message stating that this content is unavailable. What just happened?

Streaming tips
10 Tips on How to Start Your Streaming Journey on Twitch

10 Tips on How to Start Your Streaming Journey on Twitch

Have you been thinking about streaming for a long time? You set up your channel and do not know what to do next?