How to Grow Your Stream and Attract More Viewers?
Do you spend hours watching your favourite streamers play computer games and you dream of a similar adventure and similar reach? Would you like to attract more viewers, grow your stream and stand out as a streamer? How to grow your stream? Check out the next part of our guide on one of the fastest and most interesting developing professions.
Seeking advice as a beginner streamer is never enough. This article is directed to those members of the community who have already had their debut online, but who feel their viewership numbers were unsatisfactory.
How to grow your Twitch stream? There’s no simple answer to this question. With thousands of streamers out there, the competition is tough not just on the gameplay, but also on the attention of viewers. If you play the right cards though, you will stand out from the crowd of streamers and grow your channel.
Choose the Right Equipment to Grow Your Stream
The right equipment is not just about owning the most popular gaming accessories, but the foundation of everything you do. An advanced mouse or gaming keyboard equipped with additional keys and buttons are useful and significantly assist smooth gameplay. However, to be able to afford comfortable and dynamic gameplay, you must first do your homework and ensure a high-speed Internet connection, a working computer, preferably with a great graphics card, and you can’t forget about stream basics.
Without a good-quality microphone and webcam, you probably won’t get far. So what if you are an excellent storyteller and you’re comfortable in front of the camera if you can’t – or aren’t able to – show it because of technical problems. Remember – take care of all details from the top down.
Use the Right Vocabulary and Remember Your Manners
Despite some outrageous behaviour from some unsavoury streamers, remember that the way you speak is your business card. Excitement and the ability to share your explosive character with fans is one thing, but keeping all savoir vivre rules is something equally important.
Profanity, words that are offensive or inappropriate, encouraging hate and resentment towards other streamers, people or groups is unquestionably inadvisable and simply wrong. If you want to succeed, do it with your own skills and charisma, not by offending others. Remember that you are mainly watched by young people susceptible to various patterns and stimuli, especially those seen on computer screens. Cheap tricks like nudity or swearing aren’t the way forward. Like in everyday life, also in virtual life.
Do Your Research
Streaming is not another episode of “Whose Line Is It Anyway?”, where improvisation is fundamental in the creation of the content. Getting ready before the next stream is very important for you and your fans. Remember that you do this for your audience and you should respect their tastes.
Remember to have a good understanding of the fans, who has joined the community, who is the leader, who comments the most, who donates the most. Have an idea of what you do, but also for who and with whom you do it.
Pay Attention to Stream Graphics
We live in an era of image culture in which content can be placed on an equal footing with form. Refining your stream’s graphic design is simply one of several smaller elements that create a larger and coherent whole.
All overlays, graphics, styles and colours of alerts, even custom ones regarding specific events, solidifies your position and how you are perceived via your streams. For example, if a donation alert above a certain amount is already personalised, refined and different from the traditional one, it shows how you care for your biggest fans. And in their opinion, this increases brand attachment and a sense of distinction and actual impact on the quality and flow of the stream. Win-win? Of course.
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Find Your Own Niche
Why did the most popular Polish streamers achieve such spectacular success? Hard work and perseverance? For sure. Good technical preparation and quality of streams? Undoubtedly. Authenticity and community care? Absolutely. Very often, however, the key to breaking above mediocrity is to be someone, well, unique. Different from everyone else. Whether it’s a unique stream idea, or how you test games or the way you present content. Originality, creativity and artistic courage are the keys to success in virtually every performance. In addition, to be good and authentic, in the role you take on for the stream, you must also be, above all, expressive, and even one of a kind.
So, finding your own niche is crucial for you to know how to grow your stream. Once you’ve found it, you’ll be able to better understand your audience, know how to communicate with them, build a strong bond and grow your community.
You don’t know which way to go? This is also the smallest issue. You have hundreds of inspirations on the internet in the form of popular streamers – see Ninja’s trajectory, for example. However, remember, inspiration is completely different from copy. Do not copy, even the best. On the contrary, be the best version of yourself. Above all:
- Be original and creative.
- Choose a streaming platform.