Brand New Game Marketing Product Placement for Game Developers
Let the streamers make some noise about your game with this newest game marketing product placement!
The world of games is fascinating especially now that we have limited access to things in real life. As the streaming platforms expanded rapidly last year, we can see that there are more possibilities to promote brands through streamer content. At inStreamly we strongly believe that it’s important for promotion options to suit the product – especially when marketing a game.
We Understand the Challenges Game Developers Face
Marketing and promoting games can be pretty competitive. Seeing how the most popular games are consumed by streamers and their viewers, we noticed that there is always some kind of disproportion when it comes to the promotion of the games. The viral ones drive themself by force to the general public, but those which have no support in terms of audience or budget, can lag behind by not having enough options for good promotion.
Being a creator, it is sometimes difficult to reach your preferred audience. This also applies to game developers. We understand this and we released a new product that has a chance to change the perspective of the gaming industry when it comes to promoting games.
Gaming Product Placement – The Marketing Campaign Your Game Needs to Grow
Game marketing product placement is all about streamers focusing their content on the games they’re promoting. Streamers can show the game to their audience, play it, and give their opinion while being in the middle of play. They can also run giveaways or artworks through the game plays in order to make the campaign even more effective!
So How Does Gaming Product Placement Work?
Tell us how many viewers you want to reach and how many hours of your game watched. Provide us with game codes to distribute within streamers. We will estimate everything on this information. Then we set up a campaign for streamers to join and distribute keys for the game automatically. Streamers are given information about time period and additional aspects of the campaign. Streamers play the game while on their live streams showing the gameplay and sharing fun things on it.
This Is Beneficial for Both Parties
Having many streamers playing one game can push it to the platforms’ main page. This way more people will see the game and click on the stream. And it’s beneficial for both, the game and the streamers. The more people talk about your game, the more will want to try it out. Streamers play and stream the game on their respective platforms bringing awareness to their viewers about it in the most natural way possible.
Did you know that we actually have a contest right now where you can win a gaming product placement campaign, worth 5,000 EUR? See how it works and participate with your game!
Click here for more information!
Start Your Own Product Placement Campaign!
Promote your game in the best way, showcase it for gamers in live streams!