2024 inStreamly Wrapped: Our Biggest Year Yet!
We are already halfway through 2024. It is a bit shocking, isn’t it? The past three months were full of interesting events here at inStreamly. Let’s recap the second quarter of 2024!
Denmark’s digital advertising landscape gets a significant upgrade as Bark Agency, a forward-thinking Danish marketing firm known for its work with brands like Adidas and PlayStation, announces a strategic alliance with inStreamly. This collaboration introduces a revolutionary approach to reaching Denmark’s growing gaming audience through authentic, non-disruptive live stream advertising. Bridging Brands with Danish Gaming […]
We are already halfway through 2024. It is a bit shocking, isn’t it? The past three months were full of interesting events here at inStreamly. Let’s recap the second quarter of 2024!
In a world where 66% of Gen Z use ad blockers and gaming is their favorite way to spend time, Cheetos took on the challenge of creating something groundbreaking. To reach a new target audience of young adults, Cheetos partnered with inStreamly to create the Cheetos Chepard Game – an innovative campaign that not only […]
Instant dishes of the Knorr brand have been on the market for many years, and for a large group of consumers they are the first choice in this category. Nevertheless, the manufacturer is trying to reach new people with its products, including young people. To win over Generation Z, the company used inStreamly technology to […]
We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone for inStreamly as we welcome industry titan Mark Chang to our team as an angel investor and advisor. With his extensive experience and proven track record, Mark is set to accelerate our growth in the US and beyond, bringing invaluable insights and expertise to our mission. Mark […]
Publicis Play, the gaming division of the communication group Publicis Groupe Czech Republic, has started a collaboration with inStreamly.
Marka Mountain Dew uruchamia kampanię “Dew it anyway!”, której celem jest zapewnienie wartościowego wsparcia młodym osobom.
Jakie wyrażenia związane z gamingiem powinien znać każdy marketingowiec? Przygotowaliśmy specjalny słownik, w którym je zebraliśmy!
Over 2000 gaming streamers from different countries have joined a campaign to raise money for Ukraine by joining The Donation Map activation.
Z pomocą inStreamly i a41.gg, Pepsi stworzyła od zera trzy rozdziały gry w Fortnite, inspirowane gatunkami filmowymi.
Jak grają kobiety? W jakie tytuły? I ile w ogóle jest na świecie aktywnych graczek? Dziś opowiemy o tym, jak wygląda gaming wśród kobiet.
inStreamly to platforma pozwalająca na dotarcie do osób młodych, których pasją jest gaming czy streaming. Czym jest i jak dokładnie działa?
Today, we’re highlighting five exemplary inclusive gaming campaigns. These activations have masterfully embraced diversity.
Esport to intratny biznes, a w jego sercu są profesjonalni zawodnicy. Ile i na czym właściwie zarabiają tacy gracze?
W 2021 roku pojawił się nowy buzzword – Metaverse. Słowo to stało się synonimem innowacji. Ale jaka jest historia Metaverse?
Prawie 90 milionów godzin spędzonych na oglądaniu. Średnio niespełna 40 000 widzów. Blisko 100 tysięcy osób w szczytowym momencie na jednym kanale. To tylko część ciekawych statystyk dotyczących kanałów Twitch transmitujących w języku polskim z pierwszego kwartału 2024 roku! Kanały nadające w języku polskim w poprzednich trzech miesiącach były oglądane przez ponad 86 milionów godzin. […]
In the dynamic world of digital marketing, gaming platforms like Roblox and Fortnite stand out as innovative platforms for brand promotion.
Gaming streamers are a perfect fit for electronics brands looking for ambassadors. Many of them are up-to-date with the technology trends.
Około 40% ludzi na świecie nazywa siebie graczami. Popularność gier sprawia, że gaming marketing interesuje coraz więcej marek.
Reklama na Twitch.tv to atrakcyjna forma dotarcia do graczy. Jakie możliwości oferuje platforma i jakie alternatywy istnieją?
Latest fashion trends are being closely watched by Generation Z and Millennials. Considering the fact that those target groups are also huge fans of gaming and streaming, it’s a no-brainer to take advantage of it in campaigns.
Influencer marketing to część strategii praktycznie każdej marki. Jak znaleźć influencerów na Twitchu i jak z nimi współpracować?
Zakończyło się tygodniowe głosowanie w inStreamly Streamers’ Choice Awards 2023. W plebiscycie polscy streamerzy wybierali swoje ulubione marki, z którymi współpracowali poprzez inStreamly w ubiegłym roku.
inStreamly offers game developers and producers a perfect tool to reach a huge gaming audience with their latest games.
Monte Snack has been reaching out to gamers for many years. In the latest campaign, the brand reacted in real time to the streamers’ words thanks to inStreamly’s AI Voice Recognition mechanism.
What makes a gamer’s heart beat faster? Gaming events are definitely on the list! Gamescom, the world’s largest gaming event, reflected that in a recent campaign. The brand has partnered with streamers in a heart-rate monitoring campaign launched by inStreamly and Hyperate.
Is the gaming market still thriving or has it slowed down? What will 2024 hold for trends in streaming, gaming marketing, and the metaverse?
The common misconception, that the vast majority of gamers are male, is long gone. However, there is still lack of inclusive initiatives that could help women in gaming grow. O Boticário, a top Brazilian cosmetic company, has addressed the issue in a campaign called Heroínas do Game.
The year 2023 undoubtedly marked the inception of a marketing boom within metaspaces. A revolutionary surge saw the integration of renowned brands like BMW, Coca-Cola, Adidas, Barbie, Lego, Nike, Vans, and McDonald’s into the expansive landscapes of Roblox and Fortnite.
inStreamly has proven successful for banks and financial institutions or services that want to reach the younger generation.
Even though it’s 2023, sex is still considered a taboo and controversial topic in Poland. However, Durex has taken up the challenge to change this.
Two years after entering the Spanish streaming market, inStreamly partners up with 014 ON and introduces the company as the marketplace operator in Spain.
Who doesn’t love to spend an evening with a favorite TV series, a highly anticipated movie, or a recently released game? Everyone does. But since there are so many options available, brands struggle to spark interest around their products, especially when it comes to the young generation.
During Web Summit 2023 Wiktoria Wójcik discussed the importance of independent creators in the development and success of the metaverse.
Nearly everyone uses and buys fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) daily. No matter the age or gender. Therefore, brands that promote their FMCG products, should never forget about addressing Generation Z in their campaigns.
NERF connected virtual and real world in a metaverse campaign by offering Fortnite players unique activities connected by a unique storyline.
inStreamly, a leading gaming & metaverse marketing company, has released a new report on “The future of creators and brands in virtual worlds”.
Over 3 billion people play video games worldwide. Many don’t have buddies who enjoy the same games, strategies or simply have the same device. So, Rockstar Energy Drink created a campaign to unite all Polish gamers and aid them in finding their gaming mates. How well did the campaign go?
Another day, another article about the Metaverse. The hype is everywhere. Unfortunately, these articles tend to create more confusion and misconceptions about the already enigmatic Metaverse. So if you’re feeling the good old FOMO, or you’re not doing enough, don’t worry! You’re not alone.
We’re going to keep it simple and break it down for you.
Snickers entered the metaverse with inStreamly and Polish streamers. The new campaign “You’re not you when you’re hungry” naturally fits into the gaming world as gamers often need grounding in moments of total immersion.
In 2021 Facebook brought us another international buzzword – the Metaverse. Soon after, global businesses like Tommy Hilfiger, McLaren, and even Walmart started experimenting with retail and marketing in the Metaverse. So it’s no surprise that the Metaverse has become a synonym for innovation and new technology. But what’s the Metaverse history?
Gen Z is often called “The Loneliest Generation”. Learn how inStreamly and Rockstar Energy Drink helped them connect over their shared passion for gaming and live streaming.
Many marketing experts still underappreciate gaming marketing. There are many reasons, but the main one is a lack of understanding of games and gamers. To help you, we’ve prepared a list of gaming marketing terms to ensure your position in the industry. Read on!
En Pologne, près de 73 % des internautes qui regardent des jeux vidéo en streaming déclarent que regarder Twitch est leur passe-temps préféré. 8 % des sondés en moins ont indiqué le fait de jouer eux-mêmes à des jeux. D’où vient cette différence ? Qu’est-ce que cela signifie pour les marques ? Ces questions trouvent leur réponse dans le rapport “Qu’est-ce qui motive les internautes à regarder des jeux en streaming ?”
The Global Network of virtual worlds, also known as the Metaverse, is a hot topic for innovative brands, although it has yet to be created. Many marketers think it’s only about games. Well, it’s only partially true. Roblox, Minecraft, and Decentraland are just the beginning.
The newest technologies allow marketers to turn older concepts into something new and exciting. Adding innovative channels, like live streaming platforms, guarantees total success. Learn what the inStreamly Chat Voting mechanism looks like in practice!
How can we target gamers effectively? Influencer marketing, discount codes, or an extensive social media campaign? While there is no one answer about the overall strategy, some things can influence your gaming marketing campaign and its ROI. What are they? Let’s find out!
You can encounter all types of gamers, from professional players to casual gamers. Even though all of them are players, they still have different needs. So how can you know to which group of players you can address your campaign and how to adjust your campaign? Let’s find out
Digital marketing trends are changing almost daily. Staying up to date has become more challenging than ever before. So we’ve put together a list of valuable tips, tricks, and best practices to help you stay on top of the industry news!
Die Spieleindustrie boomt, und das wird auch nicht langsamer. 300 Milliarden Dollar ist der aktuelle Wert der Spieleindustrie. Lesen Sie den Artikel und erfahren Sie alles, was Sie darüber wissen müssen, warum Sie sie in Ihre Marketingstrategie einbeziehen sollten.
L’industrie du jeu est en plein essor, et cela ne ralentit pas. 300 milliards de dollars, c’est la valeur actuelle de l’industrie du jeu. Lisez l’article et découvrez tout ce que vous devez savoir sur les raisons pour lesquelles vous devez l’inclure dans votre stratégie marketing.
La industria del juego está en alza, y no se detiene. 300.000 millones de dólares es el valor actual de la industria del juego. Lee el artículo y descubre todo lo que necesitas saber sobre cómo y por qué deberías incluirlo en tu estrategia de marketing.
The gaming industry is on the rise, and it’s not slowing down. $300 billion is the current worth of the gaming industry. Read the article and find out all you need to know about how and why you should include it in your marketing strategy.
Gaming marketing is the future of every company. Do you want to include gaming advertising in your marketing strategy? Sometimes everyone needs inspiration. Find yours in the best gaming marketing ads and campaigns listed below!
Metaverse is THE topic for every tech-savvy marketing enthusiast. We still don’t know the exact shape it will take. How can all brands ensure they will successfully navigate and integrate into the new online world? The answer is quite simple – read on to find out more!
Influencer marketing is one of the most effective means for brands to connect with customers. The reach and level of interactions that influencers bring outperform traditional media campaigns. Read our guide on influencers and how you can work with them through agencies.
Gaming in India and live streaming specifically is different from the rest of the world. This market is complex. Check out the highlights from our interview with Ishaan Arya – the Head of Business Development and co-founder of The Esports Club.
A fresh, fun, and engaging way to interact with consumers is the Holy Grail of any brand marketing. In search of it, modern marketing has turned to games and gamer influencers. Is gaming the right choice for your brand? Check out now!
We know them and love them – Generation Z is a passionate and caring cohort. Born between 1995 and 2005, they are now taking the labour market by storm. So what can we learn from them exactly?
The more streamers you have in your campaign the better results you will have. So, how can you manage to sponsor over 1,400 streamers in your campaign and get great results? Read on to find out!
Live streaming is constantly increasing the potential for brands and marketers. The scene is bursting with creators, fans, and new ideas. The variety keeps this scene fresh and alive. So today we take a look at some inStreamly alternatives.
These days, a successful marketing campaign aimed to reach young people from Generation Z has to consider the simple fact that traditional channels of communication are not as effective as they used to be.
It’s no secret that in an industry as expansive and profitable as gaming, the question for brands will always be – how can you monetise gaming? Read on and see to what conclusions did we get after our interview with Adam Fitch – awarded esports journalist.
Influencer marketing is one of the ways innovative brands connect with young Gen Z viewers. And for any brand finding the right influencer is the key factor in campaign success. So let’s see what are top 10 influencer platforms and agencies to help you build connection with your audience.
Looking for information on streaming campaigns? We know that it can be difficult to find information or reviews about them. Check out what our customers say about inStreamly!
Streaming, gaming, Generation Z, passion economy. These terms echo through the marketing world over and over again. So let’s dive into 5 business challenges your brand struggles that inStreamly can help you with.
Last year we joined forces with the Sarigato Foundation by involving streamers in activation to support animals during winter. This year we did it again. Check out how we helped our four-legged friends this time!
The modern esports industry is more than just a space for competitive tournaments. Understanding mechanisms behind esports is key to effectively connecting streamers, fans, and brands. Check out what brings them together.
2020 was a big year for gaming and streaming. People started firing up live streams instead of TVs which caused an enormous spike in viewership numbers across all streaming platforms. Read on to find out our best gaming influencer marketing campaigns of 2021!
Getting your brand on Twitch with in-game advertising is one of the main things to do if you want it to be present in GenZ culture. By connecting your brand with them, you are plugging into the reality of young people worldwide. So, how is it done? Read on!
Announcing events when you have to reach a specific target group can sometimes be troublesome. But with inStreamly technology, everything seems more straightforward. Check out how we helped devils.one reach League of Legends players and encourage them to register in the tournament!
It is a great pleasure to see streamers of all sizes thrive and grow their channels, with agencies and marketers coming back to work with them. And it was a proud moment to be appreciated for our hard work. Want to know which campaigns received the most awards? Read on!
Imagine an industry four times bigger than Hollywood and three times the size of the music industry. That’s the size of gaming today! Are you wondering how your brand can work with gaming influencers? Read on!
You have probably heard of Ninja, shroud or xQc. But these streamer influencers are only the tip of the iceberg. Streamer influencer marketing is not only a game for brands with unlimited budgets for campaigns. Want to know how to find the Twitch influencers for your brand? Read on!
If you are a professional handling marketing campaigns, chances are that most feedback you get for your campaigns is based on campaign KPIs. So knowing what streamers have to say about brand sponsorships can be really helpful. Check out our interview!
As inStreamly, we are part of the gaming and live-streaming industry. And we noticed that there is a shortage of development opportunities for young people who want to go pro here. So it got us thinking – why not conduct an internship program? Check out how we did it!
How to get a super high click-through rate? Check out our case study from the campaign for the College of Physical Education and Tourism which together with Devils.One created a dedicated field of study for gamers!
Ten years ago all it took for a campaign to become successful was for the influencer in question to talk about the company’s product in their article or video. Now it’s not that easy and we are aware of the struggle! Keep reading and find out how to create an engaging campaign!
If you think about gamers, you’re probably imagining teenagers. But there are more old gamers all over the globe than you think. and this target group should not be omitted in your marketing actions. Fasten your seatbelts and get ready for some interesting information about old gamers!
There are no shortcuts when it comes to creating engaging content for your target audience. Especially when said audience is a group of people that lives and breathes gaming. Read on and find out how we did it in a campaign run for Free Guy movie!
Do you sometimes think about what the future will look like? We do and some time ago we had a chance to have a glimpse. Thanks to a campaign that we ran for PKO Bank Polski activation – HACK4LEM – we learned that the future is closer than we think and we can’t wait to experience it.
You are looking for a way to make your brand shine, reach and engage the best audience. So, the most important question is ‘how to find influencers for your brand?’. We have the answer to this and other nagging questions about influencer marketing — check this article and proceed with your brand level-up!
How do streamers make money? Times are changing, and streaming platforms (Twitch, YouTube and Facebook Gaming) themselves may not be the best and biggest source of income for content creators anymore. inStreamly, which streamlines brand partnerships, is the way to go in terms of making money on stream. Read on to find out why!
The year 2020 has brought a sudden increase in the compound annual growth rate of the video game industry, elevating its worth to a whopping $159 billion. The gaming industry revenue is forecast to grow at a rate of 4,4% over the next four years, reaching a worth of $197.4 billion by the end of 2025, but that’s not all. Check important statistics your brand should know of.
Gender equality, diversity, acceptance and love – all of it is celebrated during Pride Month. As Gen Z representatives, streamers from all over the world joined a campaign supporting the LGBTQ+ community showing that love doesn’t have any boundaries and has different colours to it.
Do you think that gaming marketing is only for gaming brands? Think again! It’s no longer just the producers of sugar-rich fizzy drinks and triangular crispy snacks that want to promote their products and services through games. As the gaming industry itself becomes more diverse, so does the advertising within it.
Do you sometimes wonder how marketing to Gen Z actually works? Don’t worry, we got you. Check our generation Z characteristics list and get your advertising on another level!
Live streaming and advertising has become key to boost sales as it’s a perfect way to show off products and services to a wide audience. Combine this with influencers and gain a real-time presentation with feedback. The result is what your brand needs – strong relationship with your audience, as well as strong demand for the product. Read on to know more!
Unicef’s French branch asked us to help with promoting their newest Streamin’ Night campaign and we were more than happy to run a campaign for the cause and help to raise €50K to help every child fulfil their potential.
Esports and gaming – these are the areas known as the new gold mine for marketers. The world of games is constantly expanding, just like the universe. If your brand wants to be successful in the non-endemic gamers world, it has to follow a set of rules. Find out what to do (and what you should avoid) to make your brand level up in esports and gaming.
It is estimated that by the end of 2021, global esports revenue will be almost $1.1 billion, with $833.6 million coming from media rights, sponsorships and esports advertising. The streaming audience is said to hit 728.8 million people. So, you might be wondering “That’s big! How to invest in esports then?” – here’s the answer.
It’s nothing new in marketing – brands should adjust their communication to the desired target group. That’s why non-endemic brands need to understand the different types of gamers when investing in profitable gaming and esports audiences. Let’s dive into it.
The gaming and live streaming audience is constantly growing, and it’s time to include them in your marketing activities – see the ways you can do it and make your brand popular among Gen Zs.
Marketing on social media platforms is an essential part of running a brand. While Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are well known by marketers, one platform is still not used to its potential. Let us introduce you to the world of live streaming and how Twitch marketing works.
Small Hunger, the infamous brand hero from Danone, was introduced to the world of gaming and live streaming, and attempted to poke the Small Hunger inside of over 650K gamers. How did we make it happen? Read on and find out!
Gaming influencers are key for sharing your brand’s message in gaming and esports and successfully reach Generation Z. See how to do it right.
Planning to start marketing your brand on Twitch? Smart moving, as live streaming is taking over the world! But before you jump into it, it’s important to know some terms that are used on the platform. We broke them for you into groups, so they should be easier to understand – check them out.
Are you considering promoting your brand with the help of esports marketing and are currently in the process of researching absolutely everything about it? Let’s take a closer look at the wide variety of esports marketing strategies, discuss their pros and cons, and see how you can tap into the advertising gold mine that is the gaming community.
Streaming is not only about gaming. The landscape has changed, with the live content creators becoming reliable and effective collaborators to promote your brand. See how to run successful campaigns on stream.
Esports and gaming are booming – in fact, it’s hard to find a market that has seen such exponential growth in recent years. Non-endemic brands are beginning to take note of this fact and dip their toes into this competitive but lucrative field, but many do not know where, how and why to invest in esports. We are here to help your brand to understand and explore the gaming and esports marketing world. So, with no further ado, let’s dive into it.