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Jak zarabiać na streamowaniu? Przewodnik po inStreamly dla streamerów

inStreamly pozwala zarabiać pieniądze na streamach. W przeciwieństwie do większości umów sponsorskich nie ma minimalnej liczby widzów lub subskrybentów, których potrzebujesz, by zacząć!

Streaming tips
Which Live Streaming Platform Pays The Most? [2024]

Which Live Streaming Platform Pays The Most? [2024]

Many streaming platforms exist on the market, each offering different features, subscription revenue, or features. So how can we know which platform is the best streaming platform to earn money? We’ve analysed five game streaming platforms to help you make the best choice possible. Let’s dive into the subject!

Working with brands
InStreamly : Qu’est-ce Que C’est, Et Est-ce Que Je Le Veux ?

InStreamly : Qu’est-ce Que C’est, Et Est-ce Que Je Le Veux ?

Qu’est-ce qu’inStreamly ? InStreamly vous permet de gagner de l’argent sur vos streams (soit Twitch, soit YouTube). Les gains sont basés sur le nombre de spectateurs de votre stream. Contrairement à la plupart des accords de parrainage, il n’y a pas de nombre minimum de spectateurs ou d’abonnés dont vous avez besoin. Vous voulez en savoir plus ? Lisez la suite !

Working with brands
InStreamly: Was Ist Das, Und Will Ich Das?

InStreamly: Was Ist Das, Und Will Ich Das?

Was ist inStreamly? Mit inStreamly kannst du mit deinen Streams (entweder auf Twitch oder YouTube) Geld verdienen. Die Einnahmen richten sich nach der Anzahl der Zuschauer in deinem Stream. Im Gegensatz zu den meisten Sponsoring-Deals gibt es keine Mindestanzahl von Zuschauern oder Abonnenten, die du benötigst. Möchtest du mehr erfahren? Lesen Sie weiter!

Working with brands
InStreamly: ¿Qué Es Y Por Qué Lo Quiero?

InStreamly: ¿Qué Es Y Por Qué Lo Quiero?

¿Qué es inStreamly? InStreamly te permite ganar dinero en tus transmisiones (ya sea en Twitch o en YouTube). Las ganancias se basan en el número de espectadores de tu stream. A diferencia de la mayoría de los acuerdos de patrocinio, no hay un número mínimo de espectadores o suscriptores que necesites. ¿Quieres saber más? Sigue leyendo.

Working with brands
InStreamly: Che Cos’è, E Lo Voglio?

InStreamly: Che Cos’è, E Lo Voglio?

Che cos’è inStreamly? InStreamly consente di guadagnare sui propri stream (Twitch o YouTube). I guadagni si basano sul numero di spettatori del vostro stream. Contrariamente alla maggior parte degli accordi di sponsorizzazione, non è necessario un numero minimo di spettatori o abbonati. Volete saperne di più? Continuate a leggere!

Working with brands
InStreamly: What Is It, and Do I Want It?

InStreamly: What Is It, and Do I Want It?

What is inStreamly? InStreamly allows you to earn money on your streams (either Twitch or YouTube). Earnings are based on the number of viewers on your stream. Contrary to most sponsorship deals, there is no minimum number of viewers or subscribers you need. Want to know more? Read on!

Community growth
How to Get Sponsored on YouTube Gaming?

How to Get Sponsored on YouTube Gaming?

Every streamer dreams of being sponsored. It is the easiest and most profitable way to earn on video game live streaming. On top of that, having a sponsor for your YouTube channel can make it more visible and vastly improve your credibility. So how and where to find them?

Channel improvements
How Much Do Small Twitch Streamers Make?

How Much Do Small Twitch Streamers Make?

When making money on your hobby, you have to be prepared that you’ll have to work on your income single-handedly. Every Twitch streamer starts small and you have to climb your way to the top. So how do you know what you will need in the beginning? 

Working with brands
How to Make Money Streaming on Twitch?

How to Make Money Streaming on Twitch?

How to make money on Twitch? Last year showed that some streamers can earn up to six figures streaming on Twitch alone. So, there is a lot of potential here. And you don’t have to be a big streamer to earn. Find out how Twitch streamers make money!

Community growth
How to Get Sponsors as Streamers? Twitch Sponsorship Insights

How to Get Sponsors as Streamers? Twitch Sponsorship Insights

Twitch is the most popular streaming platform. However, there is one, very common problem that almost every streamer has troubles with – how to earn money streaming? Check out how you can do it!

Streaming tips
How to Make Money Playing Video Games and Streaming

How to Make Money Playing Video Games and Streaming

If playing games is your passion, you probably want to spend as much time as possible doing it. However, it can be hard to do while spending dozens of hours at work each week. So, how to make money playing video games or streaming games, so it can become your full-time job? What are the best ways to get paid for gaming? There are many more of them than you might think!

Working with brands
How Much Do Twitch Streamers Make? Salary and Income Sources

How Much Do Twitch Streamers Make? Salary and Income Sources

How much do Twitch streamers make? What is the average income? And where does all this money come from, exactly? Read on to find out!

Working with brands
Easy to Get Into, Difficult to Master – How to Monetise Twitch Stream?

Easy to Get Into, Difficult to Master – How to Monetise Twitch Stream?

Only a few years ago, the thought that one of the most popular forms of entertainment in 2020 would be watching other people on the Internet playing games, drawing, or simply eating, would be considered a reason for an ironic joke and good laughs at least. Even more so if someone was to imply that people could make money this way.

Working with brands
How to Work With and Find Brand Sponsors for Twitch Streamers?

How to Work With and Find Brand Sponsors for Twitch Streamers?

Streaming, and gaming are definitely paving the way of the future. That is why it is so important to understand the position that streamers find themselves in today, including from a marketing perspective.