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Live stream industry

Widzowie pokochali symulator supermarketu. Polski Twitch w Q1 2024

Prawie 90 milionów godzin spędzonych na oglądaniu. Średnio niespełna 40 000 widzów. Blisko 100 tysięcy osób w szczytowym momencie na jednym kanale. To tylko część ciekawych statystyk dotyczących kanałów Twitch transmitujących w języku polskim z pierwszego kwartału 2024 roku! Kanały nadające w języku polskim w poprzednich trzech miesiącach były oglądane przez ponad 86 milionów godzin. […]

Live stream industry
Reklama na Twitch.tv. Możliwości i alternatywy

Reklama na Twitch.tv. Możliwości i alternatywy

Reklama na Twitch.tv to atrakcyjna forma dotarcia do graczy. Jakie możliwości oferuje platforma i jakie alternatywy istnieją?

Live stream industry
2024 Gaming marketing and metaverse trends

2024 Gaming marketing and metaverse trends

Is the gaming market still thriving or has it slowed down? What will 2024 hold for trends in streaming, gaming marketing, and the metaverse?

Live stream industry
New Report Reveals How Brands Can Leverage Virtual Worlds and Gaming to Reach New Consumers

New Report Reveals How Brands Can Leverage Virtual Worlds and Gaming to Reach New Consumers

inStreamly, a leading gaming & metaverse marketing company, has released a new report on “The future of creators and brands in virtual worlds”.

Live stream industry
Gaming Terms Every Marketer Should Know

Gaming Terms Every Marketer Should Know

Many marketing experts still underappreciate gaming marketing. There are many reasons, but the main one is a lack of understanding of games and gamers. To help you, we’ve prepared a list of gaming marketing terms to ensure your position in the industry. Read on!

Live stream industry
Pourquoi les gens regardent-ils d’autres personnes jouer à des jeux ?

Pourquoi les gens regardent-ils d’autres personnes jouer à des jeux ?

En Pologne, près de 73 % des internautes qui regardent des jeux vidéo en streaming déclarent que regarder Twitch est leur passe-temps préféré. 8 % des sondés en moins ont indiqué le fait de jouer eux-mêmes à des jeux. D’où vient cette différence ? Qu’est-ce que cela signifie pour les marques ? Ces questions trouvent leur réponse dans le rapport “Qu’est-ce qui motive les internautes à regarder des jeux en streaming ?”

Live stream industry
5 Things That Make Your Gaming Marketing Campaign Great

5 Things That Make Your Gaming Marketing Campaign Great

How can we target gamers effectively? Influencer marketing, discount codes, or an extensive social media campaign? While there is no one answer about the overall strategy, some things can influence your gaming marketing campaign and its ROI. What are they? Let’s find out!

Live stream industry
5 Most Revolutionary Gaming Marketing Ads and Campaigns Ever Made

5 Most Revolutionary Gaming Marketing Ads and Campaigns Ever Made

Gaming marketing is the future of every company. Do you want to include gaming advertising in your marketing strategy? Sometimes everyone needs inspiration. Find yours in the best gaming marketing ads and campaigns listed below!

Live stream industry
Everything You Should Know About Influencer Marketing Agencies

Everything You Should Know About Influencer Marketing Agencies

Influencer marketing is one of the most effective means for brands to connect with customers. The reach and level of interactions that influencers bring outperform traditional media campaigns. Read our guide on influencers and how you can work with them through agencies.

Live stream industry
The State and History of Gaming in India – Interview With Ishaan Arya

The State and History of Gaming in India – Interview With Ishaan Arya

Gaming in India and live streaming specifically is different from the rest of the world. This market is complex. Check out the highlights from our interview with Ishaan Arya – the Head of Business Development and co-founder of The Esports Club.

Live stream industry
The Best Way for Gaming Influencer Marketing

The Best Way for Gaming Influencer Marketing

A fresh, fun, and engaging way to interact with consumers is the Holy Grail of any brand marketing. In search of it, modern marketing has turned to games and gamer influencers. Is gaming the right choice for your brand? Check out now!

Live stream industry
The Passionate Economy of Gen Z – Interview With Brent Liang

The Passionate Economy of Gen Z – Interview With Brent Liang

We know them and love them – Generation Z is a passionate and caring cohort. Born between 1995 and 2005, they are now taking the labour market by storm. So what can we learn from them exactly?

Live stream industry
How We Stand Out From the Competition – inStreamly Alternatives

How We Stand Out From the Competition – inStreamly Alternatives

Live streaming is constantly increasing the potential for brands and marketers. The scene is bursting with creators, fans, and new ideas. The variety keeps this scene fresh and alive. So today we take a look at some inStreamly alternatives. 

Live stream industry
How inStreamly Saves Time and Resources With AWS Services

How inStreamly Saves Time and Resources With AWS Services

These days, a successful marketing campaign aimed to reach young people from Generation Z has to consider the simple fact that traditional channels of communication are not as effective as they used to be.

Live stream industry
Gaming: The Power of Community – Interview With Adam Fitch

Gaming: The Power of Community – Interview With Adam Fitch

It’s no secret that in an industry as expansive and profitable as gaming, the question for brands will always be – how can you monetise gaming? Read on and see to what conclusions did we get after our interview with Adam Fitch – awarded esports journalist.

Live stream industry
TOP 10 Gaming Influencer Platforms

TOP 10 Gaming Influencer Platforms

Influencer marketing is one of the ways innovative brands connect with young Gen Z viewers. And for any brand finding the right influencer is the key factor in campaign success. So let’s see what are top 10 influencer platforms and agencies to help you build connection with your audience.

Live stream industry
inStreamly Reviews: What Do Our Customers Say About Us?

inStreamly Reviews: What Do Our Customers Say About Us?

Looking for information on streaming campaigns? We know that it can be difficult to find information or reviews about them. Check out what our customers say about inStreamly!

Live stream industry
How Working With inStreamly Solves 5 Business Challenges You Face

How Working With inStreamly Solves 5 Business Challenges You Face

Streaming, gaming, Generation Z, passion economy. These terms echo through the marketing world over and over again. So let’s dive into 5 business challenges your brand struggles that inStreamly can help you with.

Featured on
‘Streamers x Esports x Marketing Relationship’: A One-Of-A-Kind Insight

‘Streamers x Esports x Marketing Relationship’: A One-Of-A-Kind Insight

The modern esports industry is more than just a space for competitive tournaments. Understanding mechanisms behind esports is key to effectively connecting streamers, fans, and brands. Check out what brings them together.

Live stream industry
inStreamly Best Gaming Influencer Marketing Campaigns of 2021

inStreamly Best Gaming Influencer Marketing Campaigns of 2021

2020 was a big year for gaming and streaming. People started firing up live streams instead of TVs which caused an enormous spike in viewership numbers across all streaming platforms. Read on to find out our best gaming influencer marketing campaigns of 2021!

Live stream industry
A Complete Guide on How to Run Ads on Twitch

A Complete Guide on How to Run Ads on Twitch

Getting your brand on Twitch with in-game advertising is one of the main things to do if you want it to be present in GenZ culture. By connecting your brand with them, you are plugging into the reality of young people worldwide. So, how is it done? Read on!

For Brands
inStreamly Marketing Awards 2021

inStreamly Marketing Awards 2021

It is a great pleasure to see streamers of all sizes thrive and grow their channels, with agencies and marketers coming back to work with them. And it was a proud moment to be appreciated for our hard work. Want to know which campaigns received the most awards? Read on!

Live stream industry
Gaming Influencer Marketing. How to Work With Gamer Influencers?

Gaming Influencer Marketing. How to Work With Gamer Influencers?

Imagine an industry four times bigger than Hollywood and three times the size of the music industry. That’s the size of gaming today! Are you wondering how your brand can work with gaming influencers? Read on!

Live stream industry
Guide to Twitch Influencer Marketing. How to Find Twitch Influencers?

Guide to Twitch Influencer Marketing. How to Find Twitch Influencers?

You have probably heard of Ninja, shroud or xQc. But these streamer influencers are only the tip of the iceberg. Streamer influencer marketing is not only a game for brands with unlimited budgets for campaigns. Want to know how to find the Twitch influencers for your brand? Read on!

Live stream industry
How Do Streamers Perceive Brand Sponsorships?

How Do Streamers Perceive Brand Sponsorships?

If you are a professional handling marketing campaigns, chances are that most feedback you get for your campaigns is based on campaign KPIs. So knowing what streamers have to say about brand sponsorships can be really helpful. Check out our interview!

Case studies
250 Applications for the Internship Program?

250 Applications for the Internship Program?

As inStreamly, we are part of the gaming and live-streaming industry. And we noticed that there is a shortage of development opportunities for young people who want to go pro here. So it got us thinking – why not conduct an internship program? Check out how we did it!

Case studies
Super High CTR. How We Encouraged Young People to Study Gaming

Super High CTR. How We Encouraged Young People to Study Gaming

How to get a super high click-through rate? Check out our case study from the campaign for the College of Physical Education and Tourism which together with Devils.One created a dedicated field of study for gamers!

Live stream industry
Gamer Parents + More. Demographics You Won’t Believe Are Into Games

Gamer Parents + More. Demographics You Won’t Believe Are Into Games

If you think about gamers, you’re probably imagining teenagers. But there are more old gamers all over the globe than you think. and this target group should not be omitted in your marketing actions. Fasten your seatbelts and get ready for some interesting information about old gamers!

Live stream industry
Gamers Say They’re Earning More on inStreamly Than Twitch & YouTube

Gamers Say They’re Earning More on inStreamly Than Twitch & YouTube

How do streamers make money? Times are changing, and streaming platforms (Twitch, YouTube and Facebook Gaming) themselves may not be the best and biggest source of income for content creators anymore. inStreamly, which streamlines brand partnerships, is the way to go in terms of making money on stream. Read on to find out why!

Live stream industry
Gaming Industry Revenue + Other Statistics for Brands to Watch For

Gaming Industry Revenue + Other Statistics for Brands to Watch For

The year 2020 has brought a sudden increase in the compound annual growth rate of the video game industry, elevating its worth to a whopping $159 billion. The gaming industry revenue is forecast to grow at a rate of 4,4% over the next four years, reaching a worth of $197.4 billion by the end of 2025, but that’s not all. Check important statistics your brand should know of.

Live stream industry
How to Increase Sales With Live Video Streaming

How to Increase Sales With Live Video Streaming

Live streaming and advertising has become key to boost sales as it’s a perfect way to show off products and services to a wide audience. Combine this with influencers and gain a real-time presentation with feedback. The result is what your brand needs – strong relationship with your audience, as well as strong demand for the product. Read on to know more!

Live stream industry
Ways to Reach Gamers With Your Marketing Activities

Ways to Reach Gamers With Your Marketing Activities

The gaming and live streaming audience is constantly growing, and it’s time to include them in your marketing activities – see the ways you can do it and make your brand popular among Gen Zs.

Live stream industry
Live Stream and Twitch Marketing for Non-endemic Brands

Live Stream and Twitch Marketing for Non-endemic Brands

Marketing on social media platforms is an essential part of running a  brand. While Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are well known by marketers, one platform is still not used to its potential. Let us introduce you to the world of live streaming and how Twitch marketing works.

Live stream industry
How Your Brand Can Work With Streamers?

How Your Brand Can Work With Streamers?

Streaming is not only about gaming. The landscape has changed, with the live content creators becoming reliable and effective collaborators to promote your brand. See how to run successful campaigns on stream.

Live stream industry
A Brief History of Streaming

A Brief History of Streaming

The video game streaming market is on the rise, and the upward trend shows no sign of slowing down. According to projections, it will reach a staggering value of 149.34 billion dollars by 2026. It’s a good time to turn the clock back a bit and examine how we got to this point. The history of streaming is a lot more interesting topic than one would think. Let’s have a brief look at how the streaming landscape evolved over the years!

Live stream industry
Live Streaming Trends in 2021: Much More Than Video Game Streaming

Live Streaming Trends in 2021: Much More Than Video Game Streaming

When back in 2007 Justin Kankg mounted a camera to a baseball cap and started streaming his day-to-day life on Justin.tv (later re-named to Twitch), no one knew he would spark a revolution in Internet culture. Since these humble beginnings, live streaming became one of the fastest and most innovative branches of entertainment, with its growth boosted by the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.

Live stream industry
How Live Stream Concerts Helps Musicians During the Pandemic?

How Live Stream Concerts Helps Musicians During the Pandemic?

Many of us have felt the effects of the pandemic. Musicians are one of the groups that have been forced to learn to live in the new reality. We look for solutions to problems, and here virtual streaming concerts is a strategy that comes to the rescue!

Live stream industry
Monetising Content: The Game Live Streaming Moment Is Now

Monetising Content: The Game Live Streaming Moment Is Now

There are over 3,000,000 streamers going live each month. Although streamers create the content, they have very limited control over it. Maciej Sawicki takes a look at the state of the live-streaming market and why this is a revolution for content monetization and distribution akin to the one seen in the early YouTube days.

Live stream industry
How Is the Live Streaming and Gaming Industry Taking Over the World and How to Use Their Potential?

How Is the Live Streaming and Gaming Industry Taking Over the World and How to Use Their Potential?

In recent years, gaming and live streaming have evolved dramatically, grown and became a power that marketers should no longer ignore. Especially in 2020.